Cheap And Easy Ways To Import jeans For Your Clothing Brand

Cheap And Easy Ways To Import jeans For Your Clothing Brand

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Denim is a highly popular fabric consumed by buyers of all ages across the world. It's a fabric that's universally used and has been a stable for decades. If you're a clothing brand, there are two fabrics that you can never go wrong with - denim and cotton.

Nevertheless, importing fabrics for a clothing brand can be an expensive affair; you need to exercise caution, or your manufacturing costs might skyrocket.

We have identified 7 ways for you to import jeans cheaply and quickly for your clothing brand. Read on to know how you can succeed as a denim brand without incurring high import costs.

1. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a form of retail business that you can adopt if you're on a budget. In dropshipping, the seller transfers the orders to the manufacturer, a wholesaler, or another retailer. However, the seller does not keep goods that are sold in stock. 

How does dropshipping help you to import jeans cheaply? Well, it helps save a significant sum of overhead costs, including employee, sorting, shipping, and storage costs. With drop shipping services, the only thing you have to worry about is to market your jeans. The supplier would ship the jeans to the buyer directly once you have an order.

2. Free Shipping

Import jeans Clothing Brand

Some suppliers do not charge any shipping costs. As such, you must search for such a supplier. This way, your import costs will be significantly reduced. 

3. Proximity

Proximity is another significant factor while importing jeans. By proximity, we mean that you should search for suppliers in a nearby location. For example, if your clothing brand is based in India, then you may look for an Indian or Bangladeshi supplier.

This proximity would significantly reduce transportation and freight costs. Moreover, it would also reduce risks and complications due to the short transportation routes. 

4. Order in Bulk

Import jeans Clothing Brand

Always make it a rule, if financially possible, to order jeans in bulk. There is a huge cost difference in ordering 1,000 units of jeans against 10,000 units. The cost per unit is likely to go down when you import jeans in bulk. 

5. Diversify your Suppliers

It is not wise to restrict your brand to one supplier only, especially in the early years. Try to diversify to at least 2-3 suppliers. This way, you can select the one that is charging the least cost to build a long-term relationship. Make this decision after your clothing brand becomes stable and secure. 

6. Flexible Payment Terms

Go for creative payment terms. For example, make a deal with your supplier regarding weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly payments. That is, instead of paying in full after delivery, you agree to pay in part amounts at regular intervals. 

Agreeing on such flexible payment terms will make it easy for you to import jeans and incur less financial burden on your clothing brand. 

7. Online Software

Wait what? Yes, you heard us right!

There are a variety of software packages that help track your import order and sales. Such online platforms help in boosting the delivery speed of imported jeans shipments. Moreover, they also help in saving on transportation costs. Two of the most popular of such software are Industrious Software and Visco Software for importers.


There's a reason why most of the western world import their fabrics from Eastern and South Eastern Asia. Find the right supplier and the whole process becomes smooth and budget-friendly. We hope that the measures discussed in this blog will help you import jeans in a manner that is not complex and expensive. Fashinza is a helpful platform if you are looking for clothing manufacturers who offer flexible and budget-friendly importing options. Fashinza takes complete ownership of the sourcing process from design to delivery. You can place your orders online through your platform and have your denim products imported to you within weeks.


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