10 Surprising Facts About Nylon Spandex

10 Surprising Facts About Nylon Spandex

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Do you want to stretch yourself in a relaxing yoga class or jump into a pool wearing a cute swimsuit?

Do you want to do heavy cardio at the gym or practice dance moves with cool and comfortable clothes? 

But worried about what to wear? 

Worried your normal clothes won't be a fit, might tear or even get damaged? 

Worry not, because your latest go-to fabric for all your activities is here — Nylon Spandex! As the name suggests, spandex, it’s extra stretchable, fits your body type perfectly, and goes a long way. Spandex is a material that is made by combining nylon 66 polyamide and elastane. 

Nylon 66 is a polyamide that helps the material to be stretchy and comfortable. Spandex or nylon fiber material is made in such a way that it doesn’t get affected by sweat, body oils, ointment, or even during your laundry. 

Nylon fiber was very popular during the '80s with bands and commercials. The spandex material can be 500-600% stretchable because of the nylon 66 polyamide without breaking and can again gain its original shape back.

Surprising Facts About Nylon Spandex

Nylon is one of the most used fabric materials because of its quality and durability. It is a synthetic material and so it does not get molded. It is waterproof, dries quickly and its polyamide structure makes it ideal for outdoor, lightweight clothing.

So, do you want to know some astonishing surprising facts about nylon fiber? Read on.

  1. Nylon fiber was first used as a material for packing foods, building car engines, fishing lines, and 3-D printing. And even when it got patented in the year 1937, it was introduced in the form of toothbrush bristles.
  2. Nylon 66 polyamide also flew straight up to the moon!! I know, right, how? The American flag that took the support of the rod was made of nylon 66 because of its most common industrial form and it supported the flag in vacuum conditions.
  3. Nylon 66 polyamide made its way through in 1938 making a textile revolution and it helped make allies in world war III. The material was ideal for any number of uses but DuPont had decided that spandex would focus on a single market as a ladies fashioned hosiery.
  4. The name that was chosen for this nylon 66 fabric was ‘Klis’, which was silk spelled backward. There were almost 400 options for naming the Nylon 66. The name “Duparooh '' was also considered as it stood for “DuPont Pulls A Rabbit Out Of a Hat!” Can you imagine?
  5. Rayon was the first original fiber made before nylon, which was made by processing wood pulp which was developed in 1855. But nylon was the first manmade fiber that made its way through the hemline for women’s dresses, showing more silk and stocking through the 1930s.
  6. When a loaf of bread cost 10 cents, DuPont sold each piece of clothing made out of nylon 66 polyamide priced at $1.15 at a public sale. He made a turnover of four billion in two days after the sale that took place on 15th May 1940.
  7. Nylon was bought by DuPont for a salary of $500 which was twice the price Harvard paid in 1928. It was a patent for nylon that was issued to Wallace H. Carothers, who was a lead chemist for DuPont.
  8. There was a time when nylon 66 and other fibers were falling out of the market because of the increasing demand for silk, wool, and cotton. But now the shiny, stretchy fibers have become all modern and chic, making the women go crazy!
  9. But just as some people have allergies to peanuts, people have allergies to spandex, nylon 66 fiber material. People may get rashes, stretch marks, or skin allergies due to the use of this material.
  10. Spandex is also known as Lycra or Elastane and is a synthetic fiber that is a long chain for polymer and clothing. It is mixed with cotton, rayon, or nylon 66 fiber depending on the fabric to be made. It is always mixed with such materials to produce better quality and not harm the human skin.

The only material that can be used for all purposes and is easy to use and take care of is nylon 66. There are so many facts and information related to nylon 66 polyamide spandex that are unknown to the world, but it is now in full production and used by everybody. Go get your pair of spandex material and get on the adventure you wanted to with no worries or care in the world!

Surprising Facts About Nylon Spandex

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