Unicorn Fabric: Where to Find Them?
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Unicorn Fabric: Where to Find Them?

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The term "unicorn fabric" is used to describe pretty much any white-with-amazing-flare fabric. It is usually some form of cotton, with a very silky smooth feel. 

This fabric has an iridescent sheen that is just incredible. It is one of the most beautiful fabrics to work with and create styles and designs that add much value to the entire attire.

What are the Origins of Unicorn Fabric?

Unicorn fabric has its roots in architecture. Walt Disney Imagineers, who designed the look of an amusement park ride, were the first to use this term. They also found that using an excellent silk mesh as a backing for this fabric reduced the cost and gave it an iridescent quality that brings out the shine and flare of unicorn fabric even more! 

A popular belief is that unicorns themselves guided the Imagineers on the proper formula to use. Most of this is speculation, though.

How is the Appearance of Unicorn Fabric?

Unicorn fabric looks like a flame that has been poured all over your material. Its sheen can be seen even in its raw form! 

While most often associated with silky cotton, one can use the unicorn fabric’s special mesh backing and the formula with any fiber or material; it still allows for some flare.

What is the Feel of Unicorn Fabric?

Unicorn fabric has a unique feel to it. 

The fabric is light but not see-through. And its silky feel is just excellent! Most people enjoy the way unicorns feel so much that they even have said they would take a shower while wearing it if possible!

How to Make This Fabric?

How is the Appearance of Unicorn Fabric?

Mixing the suitable materials and fine-tuning a formula (the building blocks of all things) can sometimes be frustrating, but usually is pretty straightforward.

The first thing you need to do is choose your fiber or material. It will help determine how much backing and other extras will go into making your fabric. Cotton, for example, has a higher amount of stretch than velvet and wool does. That means that you will have a minor flare if you use cotton instead of silk or satin! 

It is best to think about your unicorn fabric's feel and look before choosing your base material/fiber. The next step is deciding on any extra components such as metallic threads (gold or silver).

Below is an example of unicorn fabric with metallic yarns added to a cotton fiber base material:

Base Material/Fiber: Cotton 

Metallic Threads: Silver and gold

Cotton: Cotton is a natural fiber that has a very high strength to weight ratio. Because of this, people often use it in the production of parachutes and other things where durability and lightness matter.

Metallic Threads: Metallic threads add shimmer and shine to any fabric. They also add magic! What better fiber could you ask for?

Mesh Backing: A mesh backing allows your unicorn fabric to cling to itself, giving you more flexibility when working with the material. It will stick well if placed on another weft/yarn/fiber, which makes it easier to work with than cotton or wool by themselves. However, some fabrics don't need backing at all.

The Formula: The formula is the essential part of making unicorn fabric. It determines your fiber and how much backing, metallic threads, and even what dye to use! 

Each one can be different from another, and each person's preferences for a certain kind of flare. It makes crafting with unicorn fabrics so much fun!

We have been able to work out a few formulas which you can try out at home or in your local tailor shop if they are open-minded enough to let you experiment! Here are a few examples: 

Cotton/Cotton silk: It is a favorite fiber of designers to work with because it gives off such a fantastic iridescent sheen that feels amazing against your skin.

Silver Metallic Thread Cotton/Cotton/Velvet Wool: A great fiber that can be varied so much to your liking. It is not the most forgiving of fabrics, but you will make something truly unique if you work with it!

Gold Metallic Thread on Cotton/Wool/Any Other Base Material: Another great fabric because it has two different fibers mixed to give off a unique flare and sheen that one cannot replicate by just one thread. 

Silver Metallic Threads on Silky Satin or Chiffon: Both silky satin and chiffon are highly recommended bases for unicorn fabrics because of their lovely drape and shine! If there is trouble getting enough stretch out of them, try adding some spandex or other stretchy material. 

Silver Metallic Threads on Polyester: One can mix this with cotton, satin, and chiffon to give your fabric fantastic durability! This fiber will allow you to make some genuinely magnificent fabrics! 

The Dye: The dye is the final touch, determining how dark or light the unicorn fabric will get. Depending on what type of fiber one uses, one can dye it in solid colors or even gradients. 

However, because there are so many fibers, it is advisable to ask a local tailor shop for suggestions on dyeing different materials. If they don't ask what base material one is using, it is best to fabric/dye swatches before the final product.

The most important part of this formula is balancing your choices based on how stretchy and durable you want your fabric to be. That means that an intelligent choice for a base material would be cotton within a silk skirt with spandex for more flexibility. 

This way, if the finished project were to get caught or snag against something, it won't rip as quickly as, say, polyester would! The same goes for metallic threading; think about the need for gold threads, silver threads, or even both. But don’t forget to have some fun when working with it!

Where to Find Unicorn Fabric?

Where to Find Unicorn Fabric?

Since its invention in the Imagineering department of Disney, unicorn fabric has been used everywhere. Most people who have been exposed to it rave about how magical it feels. 

It is infrequent and difficult to acquire the formula that allows the material to shine like a Unicorn's mane. It makes it much sought after. If you want some for yourself or your creative endeavors, be ready for a long search.

You may be able to find some unicorn fabric at your local tailor shop. They might not have much of it and be reluctant to work with this new material, but there is no harm in asking. It doesn't hurt to try. If they don't know how or want to give up on the project, you could always take the unfinished product home and finish it yourself! You will get a fantastic, one-of-a-kind result that will be unique for all time.

But the best place to get good-quality unicorn fabric is Fashinza. You only have to visit their website or submit your details on the website, and they will get in touch with you.

If you want to try your hand at the unicorn fabric, start by getting small amounts of it in different colors. That way, if you don't get the desired flare or sheen, you can use them for other projects, for instance, making an outfit out of it!

Is the Unicorn Fabric Worth Trying?

Absolutely! Every designer and sewer should try their hand at this material at least once in their lifetime. You will be satisfied with the result, even if it doesn't look like a mystical creature's mane — everyone who sees your work will be impressed by its uniqueness and unique properties! 

After all, we aren't talking about regular fabric here but unicorn fabric. So, do not forget to outsource this beautiful fabric from Fashinza.


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