How to Make Your Own T-Shirt Catalog: Ways To Make Your Own Fashion Catalog

How to Make Your Own T-Shirt Catalog: Ways To Make Your Own Fashion Catalog

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Catalogs have always attracted the attention of shoppers without an exception. Before you even start selling Tshirts, creating your brand on your website will help you focus on the larger picture. This is where having a fashion Tshirt catalog to display your merchandise will be beneficial. The convenience of shopping from the comfort of homes not only saves your clients’ time but also reduces the amount of time they spend walking inside the stores seeking clothing that you might not even have in stock.  

The catalog is what will demonstrate to potential customers what you have to offer and, ultimately, convince them to purchase from you. As a result, it must be the greatest it can be. It is possible to create an online catalog in a variety of ways: you could employ a web designer (and possibly a programmer) or you could do it yourself using a designing platform. Running an online marketplace can be exciting, but it can also be difficult. While there are some important considerations, such as the domain name, competition, and promotion, numerous more are in work, too. In this blog, we'll go on one of the most important: how can you make your Tshirt catalog.

5 Steps to Creating a Tshirt Catalog for Your Business

1.       Take Your Time When Drafting Out Your Pages.

Struggling when trying to find a convenient strategy to include a newly conceived image is what prolongs page design. Make a precise inventory of everything that will be appearing on the page rather than pulling your hair out on where to place that photo you just discovered. 

There are several sections and pages in this area, including the highlighted products, their descriptions, any photographs or even other file types which will complement them, or any section or page. To include it, you must write it down immediately. In the design environment, it's much easier to simply erase something than it is to wrestle with it.

2.       Get to Working on Your Sketch

Sketch for t-shirts

Drawing your fashion Tshirt catalog is a smart idea even if you don't have any experience in web design and intend to employ someone who does. The majority of creative types, especially web designers, are visual thinkers, so having a basic sketch of what you're looking for will help you convey your idea more effectively. As a result, both parties arrive at a common understanding of the situation. 

It is possible to find other shops' catalogs to use as a reference point, even if you do not understand how to draw it yourself. Most likely, whether working from scratch or an existing catalog, the artist will make revisions and inform you of what will and will not suit your company. Regardless of the outcome, everyone will benefit from the procedure.

3.       Make Pleasant Design Choices

Many people believe that experimenting with colors and layouts is best accomplished through the use of catalogs. They are mistaken. Customer expectations for the “feel” of catalogs are high, and when your company deviates from that standard, it causes them to become frustrated and leave your site. Catalogs are somewhat monotonous because that is exactly what buyers want — a convenient collection of things for purchase that is easy to navigate.

4.       Consider Using Eye-catching, Attention-grabbing Fonts

Let it be clear that your Tshirt catalog is not the place to experiment with unusual or experimental typefaces. Pick a typeface everyone already knows, and use only that typeface throughout your work. Fonts such as Helvetica, Arial, and Verdana are among the most popular, but there are a plethora of others available. Instead of utilizing fonts that are difficult to read, use header levels and hierarchies to organize your information. Employing font options such as bolding or highlighting text, using caps, or varying the size of sans-serif fonts for distinct layers can also be effective strategies.

5.       Utilize Design Tools to Your Advantage

 Design Tools for t-shirts

Whether you're working with a tight budget or need to maintain complete control over your catalog, there are several low-cost and, in some cases, even free tools available to assist you in designing your Tshirt catalog. Using them is typically straightforward, necessitating no prior understanding or experience but yet producing a catalog space that is professional in appearance. However, while employing a professional designer will always yield a superior product, layouts and tools are a terrific alternative that won't always come across as amateurish.


With all of the features included, a fashion catalog presents a clothing brand's entire collection or full offering. To fulfill wholesale and purchase requirements, catalogs are utilized. To be successful, producers, designers, and retailers must contain all of the relevant information. Costing, sizing, and materials are some of the considerations. If you want to design your fashion Tshirt catalog, Fashinza is a full-service service provider that supplies companies with all of the components involved in designing, distributing and selling apparel, from conception to delivery.


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