Funny Saying to Use on T-shirts

Funny Saying to Use on T-shirts

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A slogan or a saying is a clever and catchy phrase that we use to create demand for products or to amuse our friends, or even a term that we use to express our nature. Fashion trends come and go, but some linger, such as a t-shirt with a humorous slogan. Do you want to wow your friends or leave a lasting impression at an event? A cheeky t-shirt saying would suffice. Just by merely adding a casual tee with a funny saying would liven up your boring, everyday outfit. 

A t-shirt with an eye-catching slogan would surely attract a lot of buyers by leaving a lasting impression on their minds. T-shirts with quirky sayings not only engage customers but also are a great way to represent your brand and make it stand out. 

Coming up with a saying can be a difficult task. You have to take into consideration what the customer needs and analyze the recent trends. You need to carry out extensive research into what the crowd demands. The saying should be unique, innovative, and attractive. While making a slogan or a saying, you should also keep in mind that it doesn’t hurt any religious sentiments or does not discriminate between genders. Our biggest advice would be avoiding any scandalous or sensitive topic, however popular it may be. But you should definitely think outside the box and come up with something that is relatable and amusing. 

We have narrowed down some important tips to keep in mind while creating a saying. Here are some of them.

Funny Shirt Sayings\n
  1. Think from the point of view of the customer. You need to target a particular age group. For example, mostly the youth prefers wearing t-shirts with sayings on them. You need to focus on what the youth finds fashionable. 
  2. Do your research and analyze what the most popular recent trend is that is creating hype. Create a slogan that captures that sentiment. Look for things that are currently in the limelight. 
  3. The saying should be relatable and influence the people at the same time. So you have to consider their mindsets. For that, you may need to engage with people and be aware of popular TV shows and movies. You have to be active on social media and make a list of the most sought-after trends. 
  4. After exploring all the above things, you need to whip up something innovative and engaging which will act as a trendsetter. Thinking out of the box is of utmost importance.
  5. Feedback plays a major role if you want satisfied customers. You need to conduct a lot of surveys to get an idea about what the customers like. Based on their inputs and reactions, you can design a saying which meets the popular opinion. 
  6. Remember that putting together a funny saying might be hilarious for some people but might hurt some others. Be careful because the idea of a funny joke might mean different for different people. Do not engage in making content that is scathingly funny. Good-natured humor with a splash of sarcasm should do the work. 
  7. The saying should be as simple as possible. Do not write long slogans that will take ages to read. Nobody is going to stand and read a t-shirt that has lengthy sayings. That will be quite awkward, and people might just give up on reading. Just avoid any complex sayings altogether. Keep it short and funny. Puns can also be a great way of expressing humor.      
  8. Use a captivating font that is easy to read and understand. You can use other graphics to illustrate your saying better. You can hire graphic designers to create attractive illustrations. 

Phew! That looks like a lot of work, doesn’t it? The prospect of creating a saying might be daunting at first, but there is no reason to worry. If you are searching for sayings that will turn heads, you are at the right place. In this article, we have made a list of taglines and sayings that will save you all the painstaking efforts of generating one yourself. We have done the research for you and have concocted some brilliant sayings. 

Funny Shirt Sayings\n
  1. I am in shape. (Round is a shape)

This is a good way to portray that you are comfortable in your own body no matter what. This is a sarcastic yet clever line that will surely induce a chuckle. 

  1. I am with Stupid

An oldie but a goldie. This classic yet absolutely hilarious saying would surely be a bestseller. 

  1. Son of a beach.

This is a classic pun and is an absolute crowd-pleaser. 

  1. One day, I’ll make the onions cry.

Hilarious, simple, and absolutely relatable. 

  1. Stop reading my shirt.

When you wear a tee with any sort of text, people are bound to come and read it. This one will create some confusion in people’s minds but will definitely generate banter. 

  1. Don’t talk to me before I drink my coffee. 

Coffee lovers would relate to this big time! We are sure a lot of people cannot function before they have had their first cup of coffee in the morning. Perhaps this will warn people amicably and without you having to tell them specifically. So you can convey your intention in a friendly way. 

  1. I could tell you a chemistry joke, but all the good ones Ar’gon.

Chemistry students or any pun lover would love this cheeky tee. 

  1. I like big books, and I cannot lie.

This is a funny way to portray your love for books without actually putting it out there in direct words. This one is a perfect tee for all the bookworms out there!

  1. That’s what she said.

All the Office fans would absolutely fall in love with this t-shirt. 

  1. Ew, people. 

Introverts who would rather go on with their daily lives without having to interact with people, we have found just the slogan for you. 

  1. *you’re

All the Grammar Nazis out there, are you also tired of correcting people’s grammar? Does it hurt your OCD every time you see everyone use “your” instead of “you're”? Hope this t-shirt makes a difference. 

  1. Dogs>>>Humans

Dog-lovers assemble! 

  1.  I do marathons. (On Netflix)

Another classic for people who hate working out but love binge-watching countless shows on Netflix.

  1. Highly functioning procrastinator. 

Do you also struggle with completing tasks on time? 

  1. Just here for the food.

Wear this hilarious t-shirt to a party and watch everyone’s reactions. 

  1. May the 4th be with you.

A puntastic t-shirt for all the Star Wars fans out there. This t-shirt slogan is a pun with the popular Star Wars slogan and the birth date of the Star Wars Franchise. A perfect trio!

  1. I am not lazy, I am just on energy-saving mode.

Here is a brilliant excuse to avoid work altogether. This slogan would benefit lazy people who are always finding reasons to skip work. 

  1. Sorry I am late. I didn’t want to come. 

Another saying which bluntly describes your feelings. You don’t have to be upfront, and your t-shirt says it all!

  1. Easily distracted by cats. 

Cat lovers would absolutely relate to this. 

  1. Hang on! Let me overthink this.

Overthinkers will probably want to buy a t-shirt saying this right away!

  1. Hangry 

Are you always hungry and get angry if you don’t satisfy your cravings right away? Hungry+Angry=Hangry. This t-shirt will aptly describe your mood. 

  1. It’s not a Dad Bod. It is a Father Figure. 

Another pun for all the dads out there. Or should we say a Dad Joke?

  1. Gym? Did you mean Gin?

All the people out there who would rather be having a drink than running on a treadmill, this one is for you. 

  1. Eat. Sleep. Game. Repeat. 

The slogan says it all. Precise, simple, and to the point. Period. All the gamers out there who can’t pause their games even if their lives depended on it. This one's for you.

  1. Computer jokes are not funny. Not one bit. 

Another beautiful pun for coders. 

  1. I eat cake because it is somebody’s birthday out there somewhere. 

People who just cannot get over eating cake. We feel you. 

  1. I talk to myself. I need expert advice.

People who value their own opinion over others’ opinions need to own this t-shirt. 

  1. Fluent in Sarcasm.

Is sarcasm your language of conversing with people? Your wardrobe needs to have this t-shirt!

  1. Seven days without a pun, makes one week. 

For all those people who just can’t converse without a pun. We don’t think there is anyone out there who hates puns.

  1. Money Talks. Mine just says goodbye.

If you relate to having a difficult relationship with your bank account, then here is a self-deprecating way to joke about it. *cries is broke*

We hope this list narrows down your search for the perfect funny sayings. Take some inspiration from the wide array of slogans, or create your own by following our pointers. We are certain that your slogans would surely lighten people’s moods and bring a little humor into their world.


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