Five Things Every Fashion Brand Should Do in 2022

Five Things Every Fashion Brand Should Do in 2022

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There are many success stories in the fashion industry, as well as enterprises that are making every effort to expand. While the sector is currently doing strong, it is also undergoing certain changes.  Running a successful fashion brand requires conquering a wide range of problems daily and so it’s important to know about the 2022 fashion trends.

Managing a fashion brand of any size involves juggling competing priorities, one of which is keeping an eye on the big picture while still focusing on smaller details. This is a disadvantage of working in a notoriously fast-paced field. Even though entrepreneurs tend to get caught up in the day-to-day demands of running a business, it is occasionally necessary to step back, evaluate your operations, and embark on a project that will help you expand or improve your profitability.

It's natural to think increasing revenue is the best method to boost earnings, but this isn't always the best course of action. Here are some important aspects that fashion brands should consider:

Communicating with your audience

How well do you communicate with your customers? Do you only communicate with your customers when they need to buy or pay? 

Think about the people you're interacting with and what they'd find intriguing before you start writing. You shouldn't be interested in how often they communicate with you, but they should be. So, if you want to be respected and at the forefront of their minds, your messages and calls should have the goal of enhancing their lives and businesses. These messages should not be used as a sales opportunity, but rather as a way to assist the recipient.

Take a step back and consider the person on the other side of your brand for a few moments. What could you show them that would be of interest to them? When a brand cares enough to give advice or integrate their customers into their lifestyle, that brand’s reputation definitely grows in the eyes of the customer.

Establish a new sub-brand

Your brand identity and collection structures can benefit from some perspective-taking from time to time.  A sub-brand may be an option to consider in addition to lowering the price. A partnership or limited edition project, or even something that serves a particular cause or charity, can be of interest to your target demographic. Think carefully about this strategy if you want to gain new customers without alienating or displacing your current ones.

Distribution and sales in new markets

Distribution and sales in new markets

It is rare for a brand to enter new markets with the same infrastructure and support that it does in its core or home markets. Pay attention to your product's potential customers if they've expressed interest in it. 

The benefits of working with a distributor, agent, or other sales representative that truly believes in your brand and is motivated to help you expand it to its maximum potential in a particular area can't be overstated. To be able to treat that market with the same level of care and attention as you would your home market, you will often need to rely on a local partner to act as your eyes and ears in this regard.

Online sales should be boosted

It is much more profitable to sell directly to the customer than it is to sell through merchants or wholesalers, as is common knowledge. The fact that we don't need retailers doesn't mean we don't need them. You can't deny the fact that they have a higher volume of traffic. 

Distributors, on the other hand, operate in a country in which you would otherwise be unable to generate money. Extra profit is always welcome, and that goes double for distribution income. The lower overheads associated with online fulfillment when compared with physical direct retail make it more profitable to expand your business's online sales.

Infrastructural collaborations for sales

This is a critical point that will have a major influence. It will require a lot of brainstorming, meetings, and conversations, but in the long run, these efforts can be quite rewarding. There may or may not be competitors serving a similar segment of the market to yours. Would it be advantageous for you to pool your resources in some way? 

Consider how much money you could save and how much more visibility each brand would gain if one of you had a showroom that could be shared by three or four different brands. Brands can gain exposure to one another by inviting customers to their establishments.

Trade exhibitions are no different. Negotiating power, greater exposure, and significant savings can be gained by forming a group rather than an individual brand. It is possible to share a bar, transport, and installation firm for a larger stand with parts. All merchants are exposed to some level to each of the brands, regardless of which store they work for. It presents the opportunity to sell more while incurring less costs.

Retargeting with a specific goal in mind

If you've heard of retargeting before, you may recognise it. Many businesses apply the notion of re-emphasising your brand and goods to customers who have just visited your site. 

Since a large percentage of people who visit a website for the first time do not make a purchase, this makes sense. An intelligent, unique and helpful approach to retargeting (or remarketing) is preferred over simply running the same generic ad over and over. When a customer has already purchased a product from your site, you may want to use a helpful product highlight or a sales banner depending on the situation.

Leverage new technology.

Leverage new technology.

It's not uncommon to find hidden sources of earnings. There is a good chance this will lead to a better order balance and a better sell-through and that both the salesperson and the back office will spend less time processing orders. Always keep in mind that time is money, so it's critical to cut out any monotonous or obscure tasks from your workflow if you hope to be profitable in the long term. Business processes can be transformed by using the correct digital solutions.

Product development, approvals, supplier management, pricing, and production are all integrated into a PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system. Because of this, many of the once time-consuming administrative, communication, approval and follow-up duties may now be handled more quickly and efficiently. 

For design and development teams, this usually means they can focus on the product and decision-making, as well as any issues that arise. Increased capability and better decision-making are frequently the results.

Getting a licence

If done correctly, licencing can be a fascinating concept. As a result of your efforts, you will be able to create a name for yourself in the market and one that appeals to a specific demographic of customers. 

Incorporate sustainable business practices

When it comes to sustainability and ethical trading practices, the fashion industry has historically held a bad reputation. If doing the right thing isn't enough of a motivator for you, you need also take into account the fact that the word is out. 

Many new rules and consumer responses will go into effect over the next five years ensuring fashion companies reduce their carbon impact considerably. A documentary is all it takes to discover the link between plastic and polyester. Cotton's high water usage has begun to be known to the general population.

Consider how you can lessen your impact or act more responsibly by making changes to your packaging, material selections, and transportation methods. As a result, the regulations will have less of an influence on your company's profitability when they take effect.

Inspire your workers to succeed

Your brand is only as strong as the people who work for you. Explore your options for increasing employee motivation and loyalty without making them do things they don't want to do. 

Happy, motivated personnel care about the business differently. They will be a lot better at searching out possibilities to save money and sell more. If you create true reward systems, for instance by boosting commissions for a given period or product line or having a team benefit if certain targets are accomplished, you should notice a response.

Just like with your clients, you need to make sure the message or incentive matches your audience. It's important to think about what your employees will respond to. For example, teams with the highest average profit percentages could get a week off.


There are always ways to improve your brand, your team and your organisation. Choose one or two ideas from the above list that will help you get started, and set attainable but ambitious or exciting goals for each of them. The fact that we are operating in a dynamic environment does not preclude us from achieving success. To read more interesting and informative articles about setting up your fashion retail business, visit the Fashinza portal.


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