20 Effective Ideas for Visual Merchandising Displays

20 Effective Ideas for Visual Merchandising Displays

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Visual Merchandising Displays often yield low click-through rates and even fewer conversion rates. However, displays are an integral part of visual merchandising in retail, which makes it important to improve their performance. So, what is the reason for the disappointing performance? Most brands do not change their merchandising strategies with time and customer demands or post overused visual merchandising display templates. If you are worried that your brand is using mainstream ideas, we got you covered! Read further to discover 20 effective ideas for visual merchandising displays that will help you take your brand to the next level.

Turn Products Into Artwork

Products that look like art are not only quirky but are also memorable. Some artful displays are not functional but are a great way to position products. Mastering the principles of design helps take visual merchandising displays to the next level. However, take care that the artful piece looks tasteful and effective, and it shows their benefits to the user.

Create Immersive Retail Displays

The best way to wow your customers is through immersive displays in a particular setting or environment. Simple displays can also be made engaging by using other elements such as wall colors, accessory items, and related text content, which help to present a unified immersive brand identity.

Take Advantage of Technology

Technology helps expand the ways in which an item or product is used or showcased. Retail brands, such as Apple and Verizon, offer hands-on experience with their products. For brands that are on the non-technical side, experts suggest projecting visual merchandising displays on flat-screen LEDs or projectors to advertise new products, promotional offers, or food menus.

Encourage customers to touch and feel your products

Encourage customers to touch and feel your products

Most customers prefer to shop in retail stores rather than e-commerce stores since they can touch and feel the items in physical stores. The key here is to display one item of each kind from the collection instead of keeping them packed so that customers can feel them and examine the quality.

Feature Flowers and Other Natural Items

Science proves that flowers help people feel more relaxed and maintain the brand look without overpowering it. Additionally, flowers that smell nice contribute to visual merchandising in retail as smell and sound add to the experience. Plants help add a lively touch to a store without burning a hole in the brand’s annual budget.

Include Cross Merchandising

Cross merchandising is a simple yet effective way to increase average order values by promoting product discovery and enticing shoppers to look at items that complement things they are buying. For example, you could display matching accessories like purses and earrings along with a dress to present a complete look to the consumer.

Upcycled Product Displays

Nowadays, sustainability is a big topic in the fashion industry, and including it to be a part of your brand could result in a higher customer footfall. Instead of using racks and shelves as product displays, opt for environmentally friendly ways to present them in a creative and artistic way.

Create Kid-Friendly Displays

We suggest you consider creating kid-friendly displays to keep kids preoccupied. This lets parents shop at ease and also motivates them to take their time.

Include Visual Guides

When customers see a large space filled with items, they tend to get confused about where to look. Try to include visual guides throughout the space to guide your customers on how to navigate it and makes it likely for them to look for items they need.

Lighting is Necessary

Lighting is Necessary

Even the most creative displays can look flat without the proper lighting. Light can be used to add dimension to the space and can make them look more flattering. Warm lights help form a classy ambience, while cool lights make the space look brighter.

Provide A Space for Customers

When you provide a space for customers to sit and enjoy refreshments, it looks like the brand cares about the customer. You could place benches throughout the store and have the windows open so that people outside see that the store has visitors (which means that there are products worth checking out). This is a great visual merchandising display tactic and can work really well.

Use Portable Displays

Portable displays are easier to move, look classy, and make it easier for the brand to re-merchandise their collection. This helps make the visual merchandising in retail look more compact and focused. Portable displays help make use of limited space when only a few products can be put into focus.

Offer Special Services to Regular Customers

A retailer who provides something in return to customers yields several loyal customers. When you consider the in-store retail experience, very few retailers consider making it easier for their consumers.

Use Displays to Educate People

If your products are a bit complicated, you might consider using visual merchandising displays to educate shoppers about the items. 

Play Around With Colors

Colors can help make or break your displays, which makes it essential to decide on a color scheme for uniformity and vibrancy. If your retail color scheme is more towards the pastel side, consider using the same for products and displays. This helps maintain the brand identity and portray it in a compact manner.

Use Festive Shop Displays

Special holidays and occasions lead to a high customer turnover, which is why it is important to use visual merchandising displays that show your festive side. Materials like tassels and balloons could help elevate your displays and offer that festive touch to visual merchandising in retail.

Extend Your Displays Using Technology

Sometimes showing a complete product line or its use can lead to cramming the shelves. Incorporate touch-screen displays to add dimension to your retail and provide information without overwhelming customers.

Keep It Minimal

The more space there is in a retail or display, the higher the value. Thus, luxury brands display items in standalone cases or shelves. The right usage of space depends on the image you want to portray, which is why it is important to decide whether you want to give off the vibe of a luxury brand or a discount store.

Try To Upcycle

Visual Merchandising of Upcycled Clothes

Upcycling, the practice of using old materials to create something new, can build artistic retail displays to wow the consumers.

Add Social Media/Website Scans

Social media helps connect people and helps your customers find you faster. Display your social media QR codes and add your shoppers on the spot!

It might be possible that these tips aren’t related to your industry in any way, but we can assure you that creatively applying the same to your merchandising approach can help you boost your brand value. If the process seems too hectic, connect with visual merchandising experts on Fashinza and wow your customers within a few moments.


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