30 Eco-Friendly Products to Help You Live Sustainably
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30 Eco-Friendly Products to Help You Live Sustainably

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Summary: Sustainable living is a need of the hour. Like all initiatives, the first step in sustainability begins at home. From personal hygiene and kitchenware to music systems and phone cases, there is a whole range of sustainable products available in the market. Here are some eco-friendly products offering you green choices. 

If you are concerned about the environment, every step, no matter how small, counts. And, like everything else, the change has to begin at home. Adopting a sustainable lifestyle and eco-friendly products is not that difficult. With the right mindset and sustainable products, you can make many green choices in your everyday life.

Let’s discuss some known eco-friendly products and introduce you to some fabulous life-changing sustainable alternatives that allow you to make a conscious choice, for making our planet a better place.

1. Reusable Straws 

Reusable straws are slowly replacing the plastic variants. Most of them are made from stainless steel and can be washed and reused.

2. Silicone store and serve bags 

Replace your ziplock bags with food-safe silicone storage and serve bags. A single reusable silicone storage case replaces nearly 5,000 plastic bags! 

3. Reusable Food Wraps 

Ditch the plastic wrap and aluminum foils for reusable food wraps that are made with organic cotton and beeswax. These are easy to use, store, and wash. And, they last up to one year.  

4. Eco-friendly cookware

Nonstick pans can release harmful chemicals and toxins when heated. Sustainable options include cookware made from stainless steel, non-toxic ceramic coating, and cast iron.

5. Bamboo Toilet Paper 

Biodegradable toilet paper saves trees from being flushed down the toilet (as is the case with 100 percent virgin forest fiber). It also emits 30 percent lesser greenhouse gasses.

6. Detergent Sheet

Detergent sheets or laundry strips have a lower carbon footprint and are free of harmful additives like parabens and bleaches. They can replace large plastic bottles and jugs of detergent. 

7. Bamboo-cotton bath towels 

Replace regular towels with ones made from bamboo and organic cotton. They are highly absorbent, quick-dry and soft! Besides being eco-friendly they're more skin-friendly too. 

8. Sustainable Furniture 

Sustainable raw materials like rattan, bamboo, reusable wood pallets and recycled textiles can replace wood furniture. They are renewable and can be recycled.

9. Reusable paper towels

You can reduce your kitchen waste by switching to reusable paper towels. They are washable, reusable, and usually made of cotton and wood pulp or bamboo.

10. All-purpose cleaning tablets

Switch to non-toxic and biodegradable cleaner sprays, or buy cleaning tablets instead of a fresh bottle of cleaner. The tablets can be used as a refill with the same bottle. 

11. Wooden combs and hair brushes 

Free of plastics and chemicals, wooden combs and hair brushes are also good for your hair and scalp! 

12. Reusable shopping bags 

People around the world use 10 billion plastic bags every year. Carry your own reusable cloth bags to the grocery store and save money along with the environment. 

13. Eco-friendly Toys

Introduce toddlers and children to eco-friendly toys. Institutions such as schools can help propagate their use to save the environment and kids from plastic and toxic chemicals.

14. Eco-friendly toothpicks

Made from bamboo, not wood, these toothpicks prevent tons of forests from being flattened. 

15. Wool Dryer Balls

Pick up these organic balls instead of plastic dryer balls or fabric softener sheets. Wool dryer balls are natural, reusable and made from sheep’s wool. 

16. Reusable Coffee Cups

Instead of buying coffee and throwing out plastic cups each time, take your own reusable coffee cup with you and ask the barista to fill it with your favorite beverage! 

17. Bamboo Toothbrushes

A bamboo toothbrush can be recycled, reused, or composted, unlike plastic toothbrushes. They are safe, equally effective and an environmentally-friendly choice.

18. Woven Baskets 

Replace your plastic and metallic bowls in the living room and on dining tables with beautiful baskets. Woven baskets keep your fruits fresh, and the environment safe.  

19. Eco-friendly phone cases

An exciting sustainable innovation is compostable phone cases. These are made from straw-based bioplastics and can curb the usage of hazardous plastic while protecting your phone.

20. Plantable Pencils 

Yes, you heard it right! These pencils can sprout up into beautiful plants after catering to your writing needs. 

21. Sustainable Electric Toothbrush 

Electric brushes are now available with biodegradable bodies made of bamboo and silicone. Their batteries require less charging. You can also return the used product to the manufacturer for recycling.  

22. Menstrual Cups 

Tampons and sanitary napkins are disposed of in landfills. Reusable menstrual cups and cloth pads are biodegradable and environment-friendly. 

23. Shampoo Bars 

Shampoo Bars

Shampoo bars are an eco-friendly choice because they require less water in manufacturing and eliminate the use of plastic in packaging. They are also surfactant and paraben free!

24. Organic washcloth and loofah

One can replace plastic loofahs with those made from plant extracts or swap them with environment-friendly washcloths. 

25. Biodegradable Dental Floss

Regular dental floss is made of nylon polymers, a variant of plastic derived from fossil fuels. Made from biodegradable, plant-based fibers, biodegradable floss can be used till infinity! 

26. Reusable Swabs

Reusable swabs can prevent you from buying one-time-use products made with plastic. A swab with bamboo and silicone body can last up to 1,000 uses. 

27. Cloth Masks 

Replacing one-time-use masks with cloth masks can help judicious use of natural resources and help keep the environment green. 

28. Sustainable Headphones and Speakers

Music is going green! The best brands in music systems are offering speakers made of bamboo and silicone. Solar-powered headphones are reducing dependence on chemical batteries. 

29. Handmade Jewelry 

Handmade jewelry is mostly organic and can reduce the release of toxins and carbon emissions into the environment. 

30. Reusable Razors

Reusable Razors

Disposable plastic razors have limited use and end up in landfills. Reusable razors are made mostly of steel and bamboo. They come with bin bags and free shipping for recycling.  

To sustain our point 

Switching to a sustainable lifestyle is not that difficult and with the right products. The same is true of fashion labels. If you are looking to make your brand eco-friendly,

Fashinza can help you make sustainable products by connecting you with trusted suppliers and manufacturers. 

Connect with Fashinza today for eco-friendly solutions for your brand! 


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