Top 10 Features To Improve Your Brand’s Online Clothing Catalogs

Top 10 Features To Improve Your Brand’s Online Clothing Catalogs

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In this cut-throat apparel industry that we are in, merely having trendy designs and the best prices is not sufficient. What matters is being able to sell our inventory to the end customers. This is where online clothing catalogs come into the picture. As a fashion brand, having an admirable online clothing catalog could mean your revenues increasing manifold, reorders, and repeat customers. All these indicators hit the right notes in the minds of fashion brand owners out there. It is crucial that your fashion brand stands out from all your competitors by ensuring your clothing catalog is stylish and professional. To attract new customers and keep loyal customers, here are our top 10 features that we recommend adding to your online clothing catalogs.

Consistent catalog template 

We recommend following a consistent catalog template throughout your online clothing catalogs. This will ensure customers have a fine user experience. By using different templates and formats, the customers end up confused. This could be one reason why many fashion brands have a low conversion rate and high cart abandonment. 

Smartly designed navigation

It is paramount that online clothing catalogs offer an impeccable user interface experience to customers. One way we can achieve this is by ensuring seamless navigation between the pages. Further, well-defined on-site navigation can assist the customer to visit pages like cart, home, and similar products with ease. More importantly, it guarantees customers can see the various products on display. 

Appealing web design

Online Clothing Catalogs Clothing Brand

Based on our experience, an appealing visual appearance is a critical element for customers while making a purchase. Online clothing catalogs that offer an engaging web design stand out from their peers. It's fortunate that there are tons of sites that provide ready-made clean web design templates. This feature can yield positive results for all fashion brands. 

High-quality images 

Use high-resolution images of your products!
We cannot emphasize enough on this feature. For an online clothing catalog, images are the foremost feature seen by a customer. As a result, an upgrade here will directly drive your sales and reduce your returns. We recommend improving this feature to increase your conversion rate also.

Call-To-Action buttons

Adding a variety of CTA buttons like “add to cart” and “buy now” at prominent locations can drive your sales. We believe this is a highly underrated feature that can be added to your online clothing catalog. These options must be in bold and in proximity to the products.

Optimize product description

The product description is a prominent feature to explain what your product is about and include other relevant details. Customers rely heavily on this information, thus it is important to be extensive and relevant. For fashion brands, optimizing product descriptions can considerably create value for their online clothing catalogs. 

Remove duplicate content

It is a misconception that displaying the same product multiple times can lead to an increase in sales. The customer just ends up bewildered and switching to other available online clothing catalogs. As a result, we recommend getting rid of all the duplicate and redundant content on your catalogs and focus on displaying relevant content only. 

Key information

Key information like ‘size’, ‘size chart’ and ‘colors’ ought to be displayed in proximity to the products. This way, customers can toggle between the different options and decide quickly with relative ease. We have noticed that all the major online clothing catalogs have adopted this feature. 

Cross-selling and up-selling

We believe cross-selling and up-selling are game-changing features for online clothing catalogs. These must-include features can significantly add value and drive your online sales. Options like “similar products” and “often bought together” placed tactically can lead to increased customer satisfaction and higher cart value. 

SEO driven

Online Clothing Catalogs Clothing Brand

We are in a technologically driven fashion industry, subsequently, it is of utmost importance that online clothing catalogs are SEO driven. We recommend removing content that adversely affects search engine rankings. Further, improving content that constructively assists search engine ranking can go a long way towards helping fashion brands. 


Online clothing catalogs are a great way to showcase your products to the world. What is crucial is, displaying them in a manner that the customer derives higher user satisfaction. The basic idea is to offer a clean web layout and a user-friendly experience. This gently persuades the customers to place the order with minimal effort. Below par catalog features are the primary causes for abandonment of cart, high returns, and low conversion rate. Tweaking your online clothing catalogs is relatively simple, but they yield enormous results. We firmly believe that embracing the above features can improve your online clothing catalogs. 


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