Business Administration: Management In The New Era
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Business Administration: Management In The New Era

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Summary: Management is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business—and it's also one of the most overlooked aspects of the business. Without good management practices, your company could fall apart at any moment. In today's society, business administration is a popular job path. A business management degree aims to build and empower the brand's or industry's value proposition.

It's no secret that the fashion industry is fiercely competitive. It takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice to make it in this cutthroat industry, and even once you get there, it can be challenging to keep your business going.

Hence today, good leadership demands that people with expertise, experience, and evidence will make more profitable decisions than those with instincts, intuition, and imagination.

To understand how a business management degree helps businesses, keep reading below.

Why A Business Administration Degree?

A degree in business administration provides one with insider knowledge of the sector and a network of peers, which increases brand visibility.

Businesses have always been subject to social responsibility demands. What makes today's concerns unusual is that they are significantly more diverse, complex, universal, and rapidly changing than ever before. Climate change, unfair labor laws, childhood obesity, and pollution—the list goes on and on

Because today's social advocates have more outlets and resources to inspire and rally public opinion around burning issues, the impact these issues can have on a company's future has also expanded to potentially devastating levels. 

This led to the emergence of more solution-driven and customer-centric policies in businesses, which are eventually handled by top-most executive officials taking a systematic approach to solving the problems. 


Unlike in olden times, business executives must recognize a company's and its shareholders' short-term and long-term interests. Post recognition, they must intertwine with societal interests and become more involved with the issues and activists in the not-for-profit and public sectors to boost the brand's success. 

There are many ways a business management degree can aid a company's growth. Keep reading to find out more about them. 

1. Excelling in the Industry 

63% of consumers choose to purchase from goal-driven brands, so if you lead with purpose, you'll have an advantage. Customers will advocate for the problems you support if your story and goals are relatable to them. To achieve creativity and openness to newer ideas, a business manager with good business acumen can help broaden a brand's vision.

By 2025, the worldwide clothes and accessories market will be worth $1549.68 billion. Most of them are driven by a purpose or a cause. Hence there is an excruciating demand for creative and brilliant individuals who can also run and drive the brand with strategic and tactical abilities to match the purpose.

2. Leadership 


Management and leadership in a business go hands-in-hands. In addition to creativity, a strong leader must manage with assertive dominance to prosper in any field, including the fashion industry.

A leader should be able to see the bigger picture and fine-tune corporate processes. However, do note that a degree in business administration can help you build a solution-driven mindset. This allows one to inspire others while promoting themselves as thought leaders in their fields.

3. Networking

Networking is essential for business. It is one of the most effective forms of marketing. For example, in contrast to other industries, the fashion industry relies heavily on networking for its long-term brand and overall visibility. 


Networking comes naturally to people holding business administration degrees from prestigious institutions. In addition, 80% of professionals believe networking can elevate career success.

They can feasibly create a reputed brand that is competent and reliable by providing important information or recommendations to others in need. This, in turn, can increase your social and business capital while improving connections with key stakeholders.

Most crucially, reputation, loyalty, and trust drive fashion and clothes. The larger your network, the more likely you will present yourself as a game changer.

4. Technologically Advancing

Businesses in the fashion industry are embracing newer technologies to stay competitive. Each operation within the industry is automated. Hence, the managers must work in newer ways to match the high-scale businesses.

Hence, a good business manager with strong analytical skills helps the organization by analyzing the old transitions in the industry and forecasting the upcoming trends backed up by data. 

Technologically Advancing

As the fashion business evolves, so does how it is managed. The days of keeping your head down and doing what you're told are gone. Instead, new rules have been established, and it's up to every company to get on board or risk losing out.

Fashion businesses are no exception. To stay competitive, they must embrace new technologies and work in new ways, which is easier when businesses have good business managers in-house.

Key Takeaways:

  • A business administration degree becomes an advantage for business pupils with the fundamental skills to establish purpose-driven brands. 
  • Today people with business administration degrees must be creative on the front end and efficient on the back end to manage drastic changes in the business to thrive.

Fashinza is a one-stop solution if you are a fashion brand trying to expand your business. Through our AI-powered platform, Fashinza assists brands in connecting with vetted, highly capable vendors through our products. It is a complete solution, from design to delivery.

Partner with Fashinza today if you are looking for efficient solutions for your fashion brand!


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