Career Advancement Opportunities In Fashion Industry
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Career Advancement Opportunities In Fashion Industry

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A career in the fashion industry has been one of the top choices of youngsters and creatives worldwide. Fashion careers are full of challenges and new opportunities. The fashion industry has something for everyone; one can do marketing, design merchandising, and create a fashion chain. A bachelor's degree in design will give one a good place in the fashion industry. 

Career Advancement Opportunities For A Fashion Designer

Fashion designer is one of the most sought-after fashion jobs, so let's discuss different career advancement opportunities in this segment before diving into the various other job segments in the fashion world. 

Design Assistant

This is the entry-level post that every fashion designer gets. This is where most college graduates start their fashion journey. The primary duties of a design assistant are administrative and not creative. Assisting the team of designers with storyboard layout and fashion illustration is what their typical day looks like. However, this is a quick post, and usually, after six months, they are promoted to the position of an assistant designer. 

Assistant Designer

Although the work of an assistant designer is very much similar to that of a design assistant, they get to work in the production team. At this post, one learns pattern making and gains some garment construction experience. This is where one starts getting into the fashion industry and starts learning the basics of designing. After working for a minimum of three years, an assistant designer gets a chance to be a technical designer to an associate designer.

Associate Designer

The post of associate designer is one of the most senior positions in fashion. They work closely with the head designer and give crucial inputs in terms of design. They are also responsible for creating the seasonal collection for any brand and assisting the team in getting the design approvals. After working for five years, one is eligible to seek a job as a head designer. 

Technical Designer

Technical designers play a vital role in designing the garments of a brand and ensuring that the brands' offerings are wearable. They work closely with the designers who are sketching the garment and ensure that the production process runs smoothly. Similar to the associate designer, one needs to have at least five years of experience as a technical designer to be eligible for the post of head designer. 

Head Designer

This is the senior-most post that not every fashion designer gets in their fashion career. A head designer is responsible for handling the production process and accountable for the success or failure of a collection. Although to be at the helm of affairs like a head designer, the minimum qualification is five years as a technical designer or an associate designer, and several firms require seven to ten years of work experience. 

Career Advancement Opportunities For Fashion Careers In Sales

Career Advancement Opportunities For Fashion Careers In Sales

Some top career opportunities for people in sales in the Fashion industry are as follows - 

Sales Associate

A sales associate is an entry-level job in fashion sales. The position of a sales associate is to help customers find the right product for themselves. They are also responsible for maintaining the shop's appearance, restocking merchandise, and assisting customers in making successful transactions. One might come across the sales associate as the first staff in the shop; they also work to inform customers about any offerings or promotions and take feedback from them about their experience in the shop. Eventually, after gaining a lot of experience in sales, they got promoted to the post of merchandiser. 


The primary duty of a merchandiser is to ensure that all the products are placed at the right spot in the shop. Their job is to ensure that all the products are in ample stock at the shop and that they are listed at a reasonable price. Merchandisers who work at the corporate level often sync with designers and product managers to ensure that the design lifecycle runs smoothly. 

Some merchandisers coordinate with designers to create a product acceptable to the customers. A merchandiser knows everything about sales of products and can use this data at their disposal to improve the offerings of any brand. Furthermore, they are the ones who are responsible for setting the price of the products that the brand sells. 


Stylists are a step ahead of merchandisers. They help brands in creating outfits and also advise them of various ways in which they can dress those outfits on the mannequins. A stylist can choose to work for an individual client or even work for a fashion brand. Their primary job is to listen to the client's needs and style the models and dresses accordingly. Furthermore, they are also skilled enough to advise changes to the client's wardrobe that might elevate their style.

Public Relations Specialist

Maintaining a brand's positive image among the customers is one of the most critical tasks. Public relations specialist is thus one of the most key fashion jobs that ensures an awareness about the brand among the common people. They are also responsible for supervising the press releases and all the statements made by the top officials in the company. In addition to it, they also organise events where notable people from the fashion industry are called to talk about their views on the brand's themes and core beliefs. 

Inventory Planner

As the name suggests, an inventory planner works to record the stock available at various stores. They also monitor the product development cycle by keeping a record of the quantities of multiple products. The allotment of merchandise to various warehouses and stores around the country is done under the supervision of an inventory planner. 

Account Manager

Fashion brands need account managers to sell their products to various stores, businesses, and retailers that can further their chain. And to build this network of friendship, account managers play a vital role. They specialise in selling a product to an entity rather than selling it to individual customers. Fashion brands also sell some of their products to departmental stores, and to maintain this supply chain, they need account managers who keep a good relationship with the shop owners. 

Career Advancement Opportunities For Fashion Careers In Production 

Career Advancement Opportunities For Fashion Careers In Production 

Apart from sales and designing, the production of garments is also a crucial section of the fashion industry. And to oversee this entire process, they hire a team of employees who are well versed in textile production and are to take their fashion careers to the next level. 

Product Developer

A product developer is responsible for monitoring the apparel manufacturing process from the designing stage till the time production is complete. They are the ones who act as a bridge between the factory and the brand. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of a product developer to choose the right factory that suits the brand's requirements. Finally, product developers take an active part in the cost negotiation and set the timeline for the entire production process. In addition to all these responsibilities, they are responsible for outsourcing buttons, zippers, and other items required in the production process. 

Quality Assurance Manager

Every fashion brand needs a quality assurance manager to ensure that its products meet the requirements set by the authorities. They can also be employed by the manufacturer or any government auditing company that oversees the production processes in the city. In addition, a quality assurance manager sets up checkpoints throughout the process to ensure that the quality of the product is checked at every step. 

However, a quality assurance manager appointed by the government authorities works slightly differently. They visit the company after the production is complete, go through the finished lot, and review the quality of products randomly. Moreover, they also ensure that the packing method employed by the manufacturer also meets the standards set by the authorities. 

Production Manager

A production manager sits at the apex of all the manufacturing processes. Their job is to oversee every step of the fabric manufacturing process, ranging from fabric testing, finishing the sketch of the garment, cutting, sewing, and packaging the finished product. The brand and manufacturing unit can employ a production manager to oversee the entire production process. After the manufacturing process is complete, they ensure that the product reaches all the stores on time. 

So these were the fashion careers that one can choose from if they want to be a part of this diversified fashion world. However, if one wants to build a brand of their own and needs help sourcing clothes, they can contact Fashinza


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